
Foreign Investment Fund

Fund Historical Returns Fund Size
% Cumulative Return % Annualized Return
3 Month 6 Month YTD 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since inception
LH JAPAN - E FUND - Dividend (LHJAPE-D) 1.78 -0.43 12.00 9.68 5.17 7.36 N/A 7.38 32,244,894
Benchmark 2.66 -3.73 6.20 3.67 -1.65 5.73 N/A 4.65 -
Fund Standard Deviation 14.06 16.01 17.23 16.08 15.37 17.16 N/A 15.73 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.12 12.01 13.32 12.47 13.89 15.93 N/A 15.07 -


Compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.  
LH Global Income Fund - Accumulation (LHGINCOME-A) 1.29 0.86 1.56 5.38 -4.51 -1.87 N/A -0.86 11,033,935
Benchmark -6.82 -5.94 -0.81 -0.99 -1.28 1.82 N/A 1.60 -
Fund Standard Deviation 1.57 2.92 3.79 4.20 4.19 4.82 N/A 4.26 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 4.36 5.64 7.17 7.27 8.31 7.58 N/A 6.88 -


Morningstar Global Core Bond GR Hedged USD 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH Global Income Fund - Dividend (LHGINCOME-D) 1.29 0.86 1.55 5.38 -4.52 -1.87 N/A -0.86 18,641,307
Benchmark -6.82 -5.94 -0.81 -0.99 -1.28 1.82 N/A 1.60 -
Fund Standard Deviation 1.57 2.92 3.79 4.20 4.19 4.82 N/A 4.26 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 4.36 5.64 7.17 7.27 8.31 7.58 N/A 6.88 -


Morningstar Global Core Bond GR Hedged USD 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.  
LH Global Income Fund - Auto Redemption (LHGINCOME-R) 1.29 0.86 1.56 5.38 -4.51 -1.87 N/A -0.86 2,626,227
Benchmark -6.82 -5.94 -0.81 -0.99 -1.28 1.82 N/A 1.60 -
Fund Standard Deviation 1.57 2.92 3.79 4.20 4.19 4.82 N/A 4.26 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 4.36 5.64 7.17 7.27 8.31 7.58 N/A 6.88 -


Morningstar Global Core Bond GR Hedged USD 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.  
LH Global Lifestyle Equity Fund - Dividend (LHGLIFEE-D) -0.22 -0.30 6.11 13.11 -15.40 -0.81 N/A 0.34 248,979,565
Benchmark -6.03 -2.32 11.06 16.20 -9.43 6.93 N/A 7.03 -
Fund Standard Deviation 8.56 10.79 12.72 12.77 22.61 23.86 N/A 21.68 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.91 9.40 11.05 10.48 20.86 23.11 N/A 21.14 -


LH INDIA-E FUND - Dividend (LHINDIAE-D) 1.72 11.39 16.51 25.72 4.07 10.16 N/A 4.59 33,069,090
Benchmark -5.14 4.84 19.07 24.25 11.81 19.38 N/A 12.51 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.50 11.07 13.18 11.86 13.99 19.38 N/A 18.36 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.86 13.81 15.44 13.70 14.14 17.94 N/A 17.27 -


Morningstar India Large-Mid Cap NR USD 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH Robotics-E Fund - Dividend (LHROBOTE-D) -3.98 -3.22 6.87 25.27 -3.45 6.69 N/A 2.06 139,933,854
Benchmark -12.04 -9.59 5.71 20.36 1.42 13.66 N/A 6.97 -
Fund Standard Deviation 15.16 19.91 23.89 21.51 23.58 23.61 N/A 21.88 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 13.98 17.17 21.05 18.76 21.71 22.93 N/A 21.57 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH EMERGING MARKETS - E FUND - Dividend (LHEME-D) 3.60 5.57 11.79 17.15 -10.18 -1.51 N/A -3.75 41,975,203
Benchmark -3.75 -0.78 10.95 12.75 -5.26 4.85 N/A 1.72 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.78 13.69 15.16 13.90 17.05 19.43 N/A 18.31 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.25 12.32 14.00 12.59 15.55 18.46 N/A 17.72 -


Compare with the performance of the Master Fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH DIGITAL ECONOMY FUND - Accumulation (LHDIGITAL-A) 0.09 -0.39 2.47 14.33 -9.32 5.36 N/A 5.25 41,354,008
Benchmark -7.42 -6.39 3.25 10.16 -4.29 13.03 N/A 11.07 -
Fund Standard Deviation 9.14 13.62 16.24 15.56 22.83 23.49 N/A 22.36 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.78 11.39 14.36 13.92 21.48 23.23 N/A 21.82 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH DIGITAL ECONOMY FUND - Dividend (LHDIGITAL-D) 0.09 -0.41 2.44 14.28 -9.34 5.37 N/A 5.25 86,658,653
Benchmark -7.42 -6.39 3.25 10.16 -4.29 13.03 N/A 11.07 -
Fund Standard Deviation 9.14 13.61 16.23 15.56 22.83 23.49 N/A 22.35 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.78 11.39 14.36 13.92 21.48 23.23 N/A 21.82 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH DIGITAL ECONOMY FUND - Auto Redemption (LHDIGITAL-R) 0.09 -0.39 2.47 14.33 -9.04 5.55 N/A 5.39 3,021,237
Benchmark -7.42 -6.39 3.25 10.16 -4.29 13.03 N/A 11.07 -
Fund Standard Deviation 9.14 13.62 16.24 15.56 22.83 23.49 N/A 22.36 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.78 11.39 14.36 13.92 21.48 23.23 N/A 21.82 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH GLOBAL EQUITY FUND - Accumulation (LHGEQ-A) 0.34 4.74 12.28 23.28 -3.57 9.04 N/A 6.74 978,003,511
Benchmark -7.51 -1.90 14.02 19.98 1.93 16.94 N/A 12.65 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.41 8.96 11.35 11.09 18.65 19.77 N/A 18.92 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 6.41 8.40 11.23 10.74 17.21 19.07 N/A 18.37 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.  
LH GLOBAL EQUITY FUND - Dividend (LHGEQ-D) 0.34 4.74 12.27 23.26 -3.57 9.02 N/A 6.72 306,302,416
Benchmark -7.51 -1.90 14.02 19.98 1.93 16.94 N/A 12.65 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.41 8.96 11.35 11.09 18.65 19.77 N/A 18.91 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 6.41 8.40 11.23 10.74 17.21 19.07 N/A 18.37 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH GLOBAL EQUITY FUND - Auto Redemption (LHGEQ-R) 0.34 4.74 12.28 23.27 -3.29 9.23 N/A 6.89 9,216,651
Benchmark -7.51 -1.90 14.02 19.98 1.93 16.94 N/A 12.65 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.41 8.96 11.35 11.09 18.65 19.77 N/A 18.92 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 6.41 8.40 11.23 10.74 17.21 19.07 N/A 18.37 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH GLOBAL PROPERTY FUND - Dividend (LHPROPG-D) 11.46 10.80 8.40 20.80 -7.83 N/A N/A -3.76 150,322,983
Benchmark 2.72 4.09 8.28 16.92 -2.69 N/A N/A 2.80 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.39 12.77 14.99 15.56 16.53 N/A N/A 19.60 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.45 10.59 13.12 13.81 15.50 N/A N/A 19.20 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the Master Fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH EQUITY CHINA OPPORTUNITY FUND - Accumulation (LHCHINA-A) 16.43 21.05 16.84 9.75 -14.58 N/A N/A -12.08 191,606,528
Benchmark 15.45 21.12 28.41 15.41 -3.58 N/A N/A -1.74 -
Fund Standard Deviation 15.21 17.39 20.23 18.36 24.42 N/A N/A 23.53 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 13.82 16.05 19.89 18.41 23.01 N/A N/A 22.66 -


Morningstar China NR USD index 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH EQUITY CHINA OPPORTUNITY FUND - Dividend (LHCHINA-D) 16.43 21.05 16.84 9.74 -14.57 N/A N/A -12.10 113,347,198
Benchmark 15.45 21.12 28.41 15.41 -3.58 N/A N/A -1.74 -
Fund Standard Deviation 15.21 17.39 20.23 18.36 24.42 N/A N/A 23.53 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 13.82 16.05 19.89 18.41 23.01 N/A N/A 22.66 -


Morningstar China NR USD index 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH MEGA TRENDS FUND - Accumulation (LHMEGA-A) -1.28 3.92 13.72 26.52 -4.14 N/A N/A 1.31 152,124,446
Benchmark -9.05 -2.82 13.16 21.18 1.90 N/A N/A 7.81 -
Fund Standard Deviation 13.02 16.24 17.72 15.84 17.99 N/A N/A 17.16 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 12.35 14.77 16.55 14.76 17.42 N/A N/A 17.24 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH MEGA TRENDS FUND - Dividend (LHMEGA-D) -1.29 3.90 13.69 26.47 -4.15 N/A N/A 1.31 23,856,703
Benchmark -9.05 -2.82 13.16 21.18 1.90 N/A N/A 7.81 -
Fund Standard Deviation 13.02 16.23 17.71 15.83 17.99 N/A N/A 17.15 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 12.35 14.77 16.55 14.76 17.42 N/A N/A 17.24 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH MEGA TRENDS FUND - Electronic channel type (LHMEGA-E) -1.29 3.92 13.72 26.52 -4.14 N/A N/A 1.32 6,313,118
Benchmark -9.05 -2.82 13.16 21.18 1.90 N/A N/A 7.81 -
Fund Standard Deviation 13.02 16.24 17.71 15.84 17.99 N/A N/A 17.16 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 12.35 14.77 16.55 14.76 17.42 N/A N/A 17.24 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH GOLD FUND - Accumulation (LHGOLD-A) 8.67 11.11 21.77 35.66 8.40 N/A N/A 2.37 10,136,885
Benchmark 11.28 14.38 24.50 40.77 11.86 N/A N/A 5.89 -
Fund Standard Deviation 8.64 13.29 15.04 13.87 13.57 N/A N/A 13.77 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.56 10.59 12.13 11.53 12.99 N/A N/A 13.73 -


LH GOLD FUND - Dividend (LHGOLD-D) 8.67 11.11 21.77 35.65 8.38 N/A N/A 2.35 2,703,346
Benchmark 11.28 14.38 24.50 40.77 11.86 N/A N/A 5.89 -
Fund Standard Deviation 8.65 13.29 15.04 13.87 13.57 N/A N/A 13.77 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.56 10.59 12.13 11.53 12.99 N/A N/A 13.73 -


LH GOLD FUND - Electronic channel type (LHGOLD-E) 8.67 11.11 21.76 35.65 8.41 N/A N/A 2.37 2,318,508
Benchmark 11.28 14.38 24.50 40.77 11.86 N/A N/A 5.89 -
Fund Standard Deviation 8.64 13.29 15.04 13.87 13.57 N/A N/A 13.77 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.56 10.59 12.13 11.53 12.99 N/A N/A 13.73 -


LH EQUITY CHINA OPPORTUNITY FUND - Electronic channel type (LHCHINA-E) 16.43 21.05 16.84 9.75 -14.58 N/A N/A -15.42 24,230,876
Benchmark 15.45 21.12 28.41 15.41 -3.58 N/A N/A -5.62 -
Fund Standard Deviation 15.21 17.39 20.23 18.36 24.42 N/A N/A 23.71 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 13.82 16.05 19.89 18.41 23.01 N/A N/A 22.80 -


Morningstar China NR USD index 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH GLOBAL EQUITY FUND Electronic channel type (LHGEQ-E) 0.34 4.74 12.28 23.27 -3.57 N/A N/A 3.03 23,429,627
Benchmark -7.51 -1.90 14.02 19.98 1.93 N/A N/A 10.21 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.41 8.96 11.35 11.09 18.65 N/A N/A 17.97 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 6.41 8.40 11.23 10.74 17.21 N/A N/A 16.99 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH DIGITAL ECONOMY FUND - Electronic channel type (LHDIGITAL-E) 0.09 -0.39 2.47 14.33 -9.32 N/A N/A -3.43 4,529,137
Benchmark -7.42 -6.39 3.25 10.16 -4.29 N/A N/A 3.34 -
Fund Standard Deviation 9.14 13.62 16.24 15.56 22.83 N/A N/A 21.82 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.78 11.39 14.36 13.92 21.48 N/A N/A 20.99 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH Global Lifestyle Equity Fund - Accumulation (LHGLIFEE-A) -0.86 0.16 5.44 12.24 -15.57 N/A N/A -8.74 108,181,000
Benchmark -6.25 -2.12 11.54 15.98 -9.29 N/A N/A -1.26 -
Fund Standard Deviation 8.60 10.74 12.74 12.80 22.60 N/A N/A 22.51 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.89 9.41 11.06 10.48 20.85 N/A N/A 21.25 -


LH Global Lifestyle Equity Fund - Electronic channel type (LHGLIFEE-E) -0.86 0.16 5.44 12.24 -15.59 N/A N/A -9.42 9,245,825
Benchmark -6.25 -2.12 11.54 15.98 -9.29 N/A N/A -1.26 -
Fund Standard Deviation 8.60 10.74 12.74 12.80 22.60 N/A N/A 22.52 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.89 9.41 11.06 10.48 20.85 N/A N/A 21.25 -


LH GLOBAL PROPERTY FUND - Accumulation (LHPROPG-A) 11.45 10.82 8.42 20.82 -7.83 N/A N/A -1.60 73,906,561
Benchmark 2.72 4.09 8.28 16.92 -2.69 N/A N/A 5.01 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.39 12.77 14.99 15.56 16.54 N/A N/A 15.59 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.45 10.59 13.12 13.81 15.50 N/A N/A 14.98 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH GLOBAL PROPERTY FUND - Electronic channel type (LHPROPG-E) 11.45 10.82 8.44 20.84 -7.82 N/A N/A -1.60 5,111,929
Benchmark 2.72 4.09 8.28 16.92 -2.69 N/A N/A 5.01 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.39 12.77 14.99 15.56 16.54 N/A N/A 15.59 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.45 10.59 13.12 13.81 15.50 N/A N/A 14.98 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH Robotics-E Fund - Accumulation (LHROBOTE-A) -3.98 -3.20 6.91 25.31 -3.44 N/A N/A 1.40 19,133,071
Benchmark -12.04 -9.59 5.71 20.36 1.42 N/A N/A 7.77 -
Fund Standard Deviation 15.16 19.92 23.90 21.52 23.59 N/A N/A 22.30 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 13.98 17.17 21.05 18.76 21.71 N/A N/A 21.03 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH ROBOTICS-E Fund - Electronic channel type (LHROBOTE-E) -3.98 -3.20 6.90 25.31 -3.44 N/A N/A 1.35 5,083,334
Benchmark -12.04 -9.59 5.71 20.36 1.42 N/A N/A 7.77 -
Fund Standard Deviation 15.16 19.92 23.90 21.52 23.58 N/A N/A 22.30 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 13.98 17.17 21.05 18.76 21.71 N/A N/A 21.03 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH ESPORTS FUND - Accumulation (LHESPORT-A) 9.87 17.68 27.79 38.35 1.02 N/A N/A 1.43 667,193,227
Benchmark 1.75 10.70 26.93 31.90 4.88 N/A N/A 7.24 -
Fund Standard Deviation 12.96 19.37 22.25 20.48 26.42 N/A N/A 26.22 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 11.65 16.02 19.09 17.66 24.15 N/A N/A 24.53 -


LH ESPORTS FUND - Dividend (LHESPORT-D) 9.87 17.64 27.75 38.30 0.99 N/A N/A 1.42 105,497,077
Benchmark 1.75 10.70 26.93 31.90 4.88 N/A N/A 7.24 -
Fund Standard Deviation 12.96 19.37 22.25 20.48 26.42 N/A N/A 26.22 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 11.65 16.02 19.09 17.66 24.15 N/A N/A 24.53 -


LH ESPORTS FUND - Electronic channel type (LHESPORT-E) 9.87 17.68 27.79 38.35 1.02 N/A N/A 1.42 41,306,608
Benchmark 1.75 10.70 26.93 31.90 4.88 N/A N/A 7.24 -
Fund Standard Deviation 12.96 19.37 22.25 20.48 26.42 N/A N/A 26.22 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 11.65 16.02 19.09 17.66 24.15 N/A N/A 24.53 -


LH GLOBAL DYNAMIC MULTI ASSET FUND - Accumulation (LHGDYNAMIC-A) -1.55 -0.72 4.11 10.96 -5.60 N/A N/A -2.78 30,619,241
Benchmark -6.15 -3.00 8.66 12.64 2.87 N/A N/A 8.15 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.19 8.38 10.17 9.66 12.75 N/A N/A 12.27 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 6.69 8.10 9.68 9.27 11.25 N/A N/A 10.86 -


LH GLOBAL DYNAMIC MULTI ASSET FUND - Dividend (LHGDYNAMIC-D) -1.55 -0.74 4.09 10.94 -5.60 N/A N/A -2.77 34,638,506
Benchmark -6.15 -3.00 8.66 12.64 2.87 N/A N/A 8.15 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.19 8.38 10.17 9.66 12.75 N/A N/A 12.27 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 6.69 8.10 9.68 9.27 11.25 N/A N/A 10.86 -


LH GLOBAL DYNAMIC MULTI ASSET FUND - Electronic channel type (LHGDYNAMIC-E) -1.55 -0.72 4.11 10.96 -5.60 N/A N/A -2.78 6,034,042
Benchmark -6.15 -3.00 8.66 12.64 2.87 N/A N/A 8.15 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.19 8.38 10.17 9.66 12.75 N/A N/A 12.27 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 6.69 8.10 9.68 9.27 11.25 N/A N/A 10.86 -


LH INNOVATION FUND - Accumulation (LHINNO-A) -3.43 -5.63 -12.24 12.64 -24.78 N/A N/A -26.92 555,137,926
Benchmark -11.30 -1.04 17.23 21.24 7.70 N/A N/A 11.73 -
Fund Standard Deviation 21.40 27.76 34.06 32.51 38.15 N/A N/A 38.14 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 11.62 14.21 16.95 15.07 15.10 N/A N/A 14.50 -


LH INNOVATION FUND - Dividend (LHINNO-D) -3.43 -5.63 -12.24 12.64 -24.78 N/A N/A -26.92 157,548,209
Benchmark -11.30 -1.04 17.23 21.24 7.70 N/A N/A 11.73 -
Fund Standard Deviation 21.40 27.76 34.06 32.51 38.15 N/A N/A 38.14 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 11.62 14.21 16.95 15.07 15.10 N/A N/A 14.50 -


LH INNOVATION FUND - Electronic channel type (LHINNO-E) -3.42 -5.63 -12.24 12.64 -24.78 N/A N/A -26.92 40,757,938
Benchmark -11.30 -1.04 17.23 21.24 7.70 N/A N/A 11.73 -
Fund Standard Deviation 21.41 27.76 34.06 32.51 38.15 N/A N/A 38.14 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 11.62 14.21 16.95 15.07 15.10 N/A N/A 14.50 -


LH Global Income Fund - Electronic channel type (LHGINCOME-E) 1.29 0.86 1.55 5.38 -4.51 N/A N/A -3.44 555,498
Benchmark -6.82 -5.94 -0.81 -0.99 -1.28 N/A N/A 1.90 -
Fund Standard Deviation 1.57 2.92 3.79 4.20 4.19 N/A N/A 3.91 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 4.36 5.64 7.17 7.27 8.31 N/A N/A 8.00 -


Morningstar Global Core Bond GR Hedged USD 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH INDIA-E Fund - Electronic channel type (LHINDIAE-E) 1.73 11.40 16.54 25.74 4.08 N/A N/A 9.53 3,974,074
Benchmark -5.14 4.84 19.07 24.25 11.81 N/A N/A 19.32 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.50 11.07 13.18 11.86 13.99 N/A N/A 14.17 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.86 13.81 15.44 13.70 14.14 N/A N/A 14.37 -


Morningstar India Large-Mid Cap NR USD 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH INDIA-E Fund - Accumulation (LHINDIAE-A) 1.73 11.40 16.54 25.74 4.08 N/A N/A 9.52 22,757,768
Benchmark -5.14 4.84 19.07 24.25 11.81 N/A N/A 19.32 -
Fund Standard Deviation 6.50 11.07 13.18 11.86 13.99 N/A N/A 14.17 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.86 13.81 15.44 13.70 14.14 N/A N/A 14.37 -


Morningstar India Large-Mid Cap NR USD 100% adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date. Changes Benchmark effect from October 1, 2023 onwards.
LH JAPAN - E Fund - Electronic channel type (LHJAPE-E) 1.80 -0.42 12.02 9.70 5.17 N/A N/A 5.24 1,460,103
Benchmark 2.66 -3.73 6.20 3.67 -1.65 N/A N/A 1.74 -
Fund Standard Deviation 14.06 16.01 17.24 16.08 15.37 N/A N/A 15.32 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.12 12.01 13.32 12.47 13.89 N/A N/A 14.12 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH JAPAN - E Fund - Accumulation (LHJAPE-A) 1.80 -0.41 12.02 9.70 5.17 N/A N/A 5.26 4,058,360
Benchmark 2.66 -3.73 6.20 3.67 -1.65 N/A N/A 1.74 -
Fund Standard Deviation 14.06 16.01 17.24 16.08 15.37 N/A N/A 15.32 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.12 12.01 13.32 12.47 13.89 N/A N/A 14.12 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH EMERGING MARKETS - E FUND - Accumulation (LHEME-A) 3.60 5.58 11.81 17.17 -10.19 N/A N/A -11.04 20,271,533
Benchmark -3.75 -0.78 10.95 12.75 -5.26 N/A N/A -3.92 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.78 13.69 15.16 13.90 17.05 N/A N/A 17.08 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.25 12.32 14.00 12.59 15.55 N/A N/A 15.78 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH EMERGING MARKETS - E FUND - Electronic channel type (LHEME-E) 3.60 5.58 11.82 17.17 -10.19 N/A N/A -11.04 6,172,418
Benchmark -3.75 -0.78 10.95 12.75 -5.26 N/A N/A -3.92 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.78 13.69 15.16 13.90 17.05 N/A N/A 17.08 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.25 12.32 14.00 12.59 15.55 N/A N/A 15.78 -


This fund will compare with the performance of master fund adjusted by foreign exchange rate for calculating returns in Thai Baht currency on the Calculation Date.
LH GREEN TECHNOLOGY FUND - Accumulation (LHGREEN-A) 4.90 0.64 10.07 17.68 -4.75 N/A N/A -3.09 35,666,307
Benchmark -3.68 -6.01 8.91 12.44 1.12 N/A N/A 4.75 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.07 14.31 16.21 15.26 18.40 N/A N/A 17.71 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.77 12.67 14.80 13.85 17.09 N/A N/A 16.62 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH GREEN TECHNOLOGY FUND - Dividend (LHGREEN-D) 4.90 0.60 10.03 17.63 -4.77 N/A N/A -3.11 10,874,983
Benchmark -3.68 -6.01 8.91 12.44 1.12 N/A N/A 4.75 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.07 14.31 16.21 15.25 18.40 N/A N/A 17.71 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.77 12.67 14.80 13.85 17.09 N/A N/A 16.62 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH GREEN TECHNOLOGY FUND - Electronic channel type (LHGREEN-E) 4.90 0.64 10.07 17.68 -4.75 N/A N/A -3.09 1,962,532
Benchmark -3.68 -6.01 8.91 12.44 1.12 N/A N/A 4.75 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.07 14.32 16.21 15.26 18.40 N/A N/A 17.71 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.77 12.67 14.80 13.85 17.09 N/A N/A 16.62 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH GREEN TECHNOLOGY FUND - IA (LHGREEN-IA) 4.67 0.07 9.64 17.23 -5.17 N/A N/A -3.52
Benchmark -3.68 -6.01 8.91 12.44 1.12 N/A N/A 4.75 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.09 14.27 16.17 15.23 18.40 N/A N/A 17.70 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.77 12.67 14.80 13.85 17.09 N/A N/A 16.62 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH SMART MOBILITY FUND - Accumulation (LHMOBILITY-A) -1.96 -4.07 -6.99 -3.88 -15.39 N/A N/A -14.86 24,570,616
Benchmark -6.03 -2.32 11.06 16.20 5.97 N/A N/A 8.14 -
Fund Standard Deviation 14.75 18.51 21.30 20.43 25.48 N/A N/A 25.03 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.91 9.40 11.05 10.48 13.51 N/A N/A 13.18 -


This fund will compare with the Morningstar Global Mkts Index NR USD yield in US dollars. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH SMART MOBILITY FUND - Dividend (LHMOBILITY-D) -1.96 -4.11 -7.03 -3.93 -15.43 N/A N/A -14.89 4,330,748
Benchmark -6.03 -2.32 11.06 16.20 5.97 N/A N/A 8.14 -
Fund Standard Deviation 14.75 18.50 21.29 20.42 25.47 N/A N/A 25.03 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.91 9.40 11.05 10.48 13.51 N/A N/A 13.18 -


This fund will compare with the Morningstar Global Mkts Index NR USD yield in US dollars. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH SMART MOBILITY FUND - Electronic channel type (LHMOBILITY-E) -1.96 -4.07 -6.99 -3.88 -15.40 N/A N/A -14.86 4,648,299
Benchmark -6.03 -2.32 11.06 16.20 5.97 N/A N/A 8.14 -
Fund Standard Deviation 14.75 18.51 21.29 20.43 25.47 N/A N/A 25.03 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.91 9.40 11.05 10.48 13.51 N/A N/A 13.18 -


This fund will compare with the Morningstar Global Mkts Index NR USD yield in US dollars. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH SEMICONDUCTOR FUND - Accumulation (LHSEMICON-A) -12.42 -3.12 12.81 33.24 9.25 N/A N/A 8.04 519,273,828
Benchmark -19.00 -9.51 13.06 27.38 14.23 N/A N/A 14.14 -
Fund Standard Deviation 27.64 33.09 37.37 33.34 34.48 N/A N/A 33.55 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 24.19 28.02 32.24 28.81 32.18 N/A N/A 31.57 -


LH SEMICONDUCTOR FUND - Dividend (LHSEMICON-D) -12.42 -3.21 12.71 33.11 9.21 N/A N/A 8.01 95,210,797
Benchmark -19.00 -9.51 13.06 27.38 14.23 N/A N/A 14.14 -
Fund Standard Deviation 27.64 33.08 37.36 33.34 34.48 N/A N/A 33.55 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 24.19 28.02 32.24 28.81 32.18 N/A N/A 31.57 -


LH SEMICONDUCTOR FUND - Electronic channel type (LHSEMICON-E) -12.42 -3.12 12.81 33.23 9.25 N/A N/A 8.04 10,753,371
Benchmark -19.00 -9.51 13.06 27.38 14.23 N/A N/A 14.14 -
Fund Standard Deviation 27.64 33.09 37.37 33.34 34.48 N/A N/A 33.55 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 24.19 28.02 32.24 28.81 32.18 N/A N/A 31.57 -


LH GLOBAL CYBERSECURITY FUND - Accumulation (LHCYBER-A) -0.96 -1.43 -1.42 15.80 -5.54 N/A N/A -4.66 297,259,350
Benchmark -9.11 -8.15 -1.56 10.83 -1.46 N/A N/A -0.21 -
Fund Standard Deviation 11.57 18.00 23.66 22.36 28.29 N/A N/A 27.89 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.62 14.64 20.10 19.24 26.15 N/A N/A 25.89 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH GLOBAL CYBERSECURITY FUND - Dividend (LHCYBER-D) -0.96 -1.43 -1.42 15.79 -5.55 N/A N/A -4.67 72,125,214
Benchmark -9.11 -8.15 -1.56 10.83 -1.46 N/A N/A -0.21 -
Fund Standard Deviation 11.57 18.01 23.66 22.36 28.29 N/A N/A 27.89 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.62 14.64 20.10 19.24 26.15 N/A N/A 25.89 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH GLOBAL CYBERSECURITY FUND - Electronic channel type (LHCYBER-E) -0.96 -1.43 -1.42 15.80 -5.54 N/A N/A -4.66 8,660,172
Benchmark -9.11 -8.15 -1.56 10.83 -1.46 N/A N/A -0.21 -
Fund Standard Deviation 11.57 18.01 23.66 22.36 28.29 N/A N/A 27.89 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 10.62 14.64 20.10 19.24 26.15 N/A N/A 25.89 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH HEALTH INNOVATION FUND - Accumulation (LHHEALTH-A) -1.12 0.62 5.86 11.32 -14.51 N/A N/A -14.48 167,413,499
Benchmark -9.06 -6.15 5.24 5.97 -11.08 N/A N/A -11.66 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.25 9.66 11.46 11.62 23.62 N/A N/A 23.59 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.52 9.32 11.36 11.65 23.35 N/A N/A 23.34 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation
LH HEALTH INNOVATION FUND - Dividend (LHHEALTH-D) -1.12 0.61 5.86 11.32 -14.50 N/A N/A -14.47 53,303,456
Benchmark -9.06 -6.15 5.24 5.97 -11.08 N/A N/A -11.66 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.25 9.66 11.46 11.62 23.62 N/A N/A 23.58 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.52 9.32 11.36 11.65 23.35 N/A N/A 23.34 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation
LH HEALTH INNOVATION FUND - Electronic channel type (LHHEALTH-E) -1.12 0.62 5.86 11.32 -14.50 N/A N/A -14.47 10,091,329
Benchmark -9.06 -6.15 5.24 5.97 -11.08 N/A N/A -11.66 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.25 9.66 11.46 11.61 23.62 N/A N/A 23.59 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 7.52 9.32 11.36 11.65 23.35 N/A N/A 23.34 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation
LH EUROPE FUND - Accumulation (LHEUROPE-A) -0.49 2.12 9.66 18.50 N/A N/A N/A -2.27 108,454,777
Benchmark -5.27 -1.10 9.17 16.75 N/A N/A N/A -0.95 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.42 12.76 13.75 13.61 N/A N/A N/A 17.41 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.39 12.12 13.51 13.02 N/A N/A N/A 18.02 -


LH EUROPE FUND - Dividend (LHEUROPE-D) -0.49 2.11 9.65 18.49 N/A N/A N/A -2.28 37,830,061
Benchmark -5.27 -1.10 9.17 16.75 N/A N/A N/A -0.95 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.42 12.76 13.75 13.61 N/A N/A N/A 17.41 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.39 12.12 13.51 13.02 N/A N/A N/A 18.02 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH EUROPE FUND - LH EUROPE FUND - Electronic channel type (LHEUROPE-E) -0.49 2.12 9.66 18.50 N/A N/A N/A -2.27 8,937,986
Benchmark -5.27 -1.10 9.17 16.75 N/A N/A N/A -0.95 -
Fund Standard Deviation 10.42 12.76 13.75 13.61 N/A N/A N/A 17.41 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.39 12.12 13.51 13.02 N/A N/A N/A 18.02 -


This fund will compare with the performance of the master fund. Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation.
LH VIETNAM FUND - Accumulation (LHVN-A) -0.78 -3.05 6.27 4.23 N/A N/A N/A -7.94 235,612,874
Benchmark -5.42 -8.98 6.89 -1.28 N/A N/A N/A -8.82 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.28 12.43 13.93 15.02 N/A N/A N/A 18.68 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.31 11.87 14.13 14.91 N/A N/A N/A 18.85 -


VN30 Total Return Index 100% Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation
LH VIETNAM FUND - Dividend (LHVN-D) -0.78 -3.05 6.26 4.23 N/A N/A N/A -7.92 71,454,818
Benchmark -5.42 -8.98 6.89 -1.28 N/A N/A N/A -8.82 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.28 12.43 13.93 15.02 N/A N/A N/A 18.68 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.31 11.87 14.13 14.91 N/A N/A N/A 18.85 -


Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Stock Index 100% Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation Changes to Benchmark will take effect from 1 September 2023 onwards.
LH VIETNAM FUND - Electronic channel type (LHVN-E) -0.78 -3.05 6.27 4.23 N/A N/A N/A -7.94 14,591,024
Benchmark -5.42 -8.98 6.89 -1.28 N/A N/A N/A -8.82 -
Fund Standard Deviation 7.28 12.43 13.93 15.02 N/A N/A N/A 18.68 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 8.31 11.87 14.13 14.91 N/A N/A N/A 18.85 -


Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Stock Index 100% Adjusted by exchange rate to calculate the return in Thai Baht as of the date of return calculation Changes to Benchmark will take effect from 1 September 2023 onwards.
LH US Financial Fund - Accumulation (LHUSFIN-A) 2.23 2.19 12.27 28.10 N/A N/A N/A 1.94 2,933,820
Benchmark -4.87 -3.77 12.90 23.09 N/A N/A N/A 3.84 -
Fund Standard Deviation 9.51 12.85 14.42 14.22 N/A N/A N/A 18.32 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.56 12.13 13.90 13.51 N/A N/A N/A 18.73 -


LH US Financial Fund - Dividend (LHUSFIN-D) 2.23 2.19 12.27 28.10 N/A N/A N/A 1.94 1,174,499
Benchmark -4.87 -3.77 12.90 23.09 N/A N/A N/A 3.84 -
Fund Standard Deviation 9.51 12.85 14.42 14.22 N/A N/A N/A 18.32 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.56 12.13 13.90 13.51 N/A N/A N/A 18.73 -


LH US Financial Fund - Electronic channel type (LHUSFIN-E) 2.23 2.19 12.27 28.10 N/A N/A N/A 1.94 2,982,893
Benchmark -4.87 -3.77 12.90 23.09 N/A N/A N/A 3.84 -
Fund Standard Deviation 9.51 12.84 14.42 14.22 N/A N/A N/A 18.32 -
Benchmark Standard Deviation 9.56 12.13 13.90 13.51 N/A N/A N/A 18.73 -


LH DIVIDEND AND BUYBACK FUND - Accumulation (LHDIVB-A) 5.41 5.47 13.90 24.43 N/A N/A N/A 5.06 10,802,634
Benchmark -2.08 -1.81 12.08 16.02 N/A N/A N/A